In Memoriam for Jessica

Jessica was a gorgeous, vibrant, and young, creative woman. She was overly kind to everyone. She loved family, children, animals, sunsets, the beach, and photography. Jessica had an eye to capture the beauty in the simplest things. She once took a picture of an autumn leaf that won an award in a magazine.

Jessica suffered from Cervical Cancer. She never gave up! The most extraordinary thing to point out about Jessica is how tiny she was. Jess, was a petite 95 pounds in good health. The battle she fought was tremendous! We were amazed of the incredible strength within such a tiny young woman. Jessica was always kind, and never went without a smile to those caring for her.  It is that strength which inspired the size of the Strong Warrior Bear. Jessica gave true meaning to the phrase “the strongest things come in the smallest packages.”

Jessica spent the last year of her life in and out of various hospitals. I bought her a pink plush bunny to comfort her. She loved that bunny!! And never let it go. She said, it provided her with such comfort when family & friends couldn’t be there.

I hope that each and every person who receives a Strong Warrior Bear also receives the strength, and comfort behind it from the amazing young women who inspired it.

In Memoriam for Kelly

My best friend, Kellyann Ferraro was beautiful, smart, and funny. She was a mother of 3 adopted boys, she loved all animals, the beach and was a foodie! Her family and friends were everything to her. Kelly was loyal and dedicated to everything she put her mind to.

Kelly battled breast cancer for a number of years. It spread to her heart, her lungs, and eventually to her brain. But you would never know it! Each and every time her cancer came back over the years, Kelly would say “ok let me put on my Warrior face!” Her strength was enormous, her attitude was always so positive.

Kelly’s mom Debbie, called her a Warrior. That phrase, and Kelly’s tattoo, inspired the entire concept, and meaning behind the Strong Warrior Bear.

I hope that each and every person who receives a Strong Warrior Bear, also receives the strength behind it from the amazing young women who inspired it.